C o n f e r e n c e
R e p o r t

National Conference on One Health 2024 - Report

Theme: One Health – A Way Forward for the Sustainable Future

The National Conference on One Health - 2024 provided a unique platform to bring together stakeholders from multiple disciplines of One Health. The conference aimed to:

Strengthen multi-disciplinary coordination and cooperation among diverse stakeholders.

Inculcate One Health awareness among the student community.

Inaugural Session

The conference began with a welcome address and introductory remarks by Dr. Mithun T K, Chief Executive Officer, Project One Health. Dr. Anjana Devi A.D., Student Ambassador, introduced the honorable guest speakers to the audience.

Keynote Lectures

  1. Mr. Satheesh Chandran, Technical Consultant (Health & Nutrition), World Bank, delivered a guest lecture on ‘One Health Implementation in Kerala – Current Status.’

    He shared valuable insights on implementing One Health activities in four districts of Kerala under the Rebuild Kerala Initiative.

  2. Dr. B. Sunil, Professor & Head, Department of Veterinary and Public Health, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Thrissur, presented on ‘Emerging and Re-emerging Zoonoses.’

    He provided an overview of zoonotic diseases and the One Health approach to mitigate zoonotic threats.

  3. Dr. Sajeev T. V., Chief Scientist, Kerala Forest Research Institute, spoke on ‘Human-Wildlife Interface – One Health Solutions.’

    His expertise shed light on the impact of human-wildlife conflict and potential solutions through a One Health perspective.

  4. Dr. Sandhya K. N., Post-Doctoral Fellow, Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, Trivandrum, discussed ‘Combating Antimicrobial Resistance through One Health.’

    She emphasized tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR) using a holistic approach.

Participant Presentations

The conference showcased research works in oral and poster presentations.

Oral Presentation Judges: Dr. Sandhya K. N., Dr. Malathi M., Dr. Jeby Jose Olickal.

Poster Presentation Judges: Dr. Subhadra K.T., Dr. Verghese A.F., Dr. Archana K.

Valedictory Function

The Chief Guest, Prof. (Dr.) Gopakumar S., Registrar, Kerala University of Health Sciences, delivered an inspiring speech on the importance of One Health.

Awards and Recognitions

    Lifetime Achievement Award: Presented to Dr. Kesavan Rajasekharan Nayar, recognized for his exceptional contributions in areas such as social determinants of health, policy analysis, and reproductive health.

    Additional awards were given for:

    1. Best Presentation
    2. Young Scientist
    3. Young Environmentalist
    4. Outstanding PG Thesis
    5. Inspiring Professional

Closing Remarks

Dr. Sreyass K. S., Chief Operating Officer, Project One Health, delivered the vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all participants and contributors.

Impact of the Conference

The conference served as a dynamic platform to:

  1. Enable networking and collaboration among One Health experts.
  2. Learn about the latest research developments in the field.
  3. Foster understanding of current challenges and innovative solutions in One Health.

The Project One Health team ensured the event was a significant step forward in promoting One Health awareness and building a sustainable future.